K2hIterator Class
K2hIterator represents a pointer of an array of K2HASH keys.
Class overview
K2hIterator implements Iterator {
public stringfalsecurrent ( void )
public stringfalsekey ( void )
public next ( void ) : void
public rewind ( void ) : void
public valid ( void ) : bool
Method list
- K2hIterator::__construct - Creates a K2hIterator instance
- K2hIterator::current - Gets value of the current K2hIterator item
- K2hIterator::key - Gets key of the current K2hIterator item
- K2hIterator::next - Advances the internal array pointer of k2hash keys
- K2hIterator::rewind - Rewinds the internal array pointer of k2hash keys
- K2hIterator::valid - Returns whether the current K2hIterator item is valid